Under eye dark circles is the most common thing that can be seen in almost every individual. Around nine out of ten people have dark circles under the eyes.
Causes of Dark Circles

The various causes of the dark circles under eyes are:

* Age: With the preceding age the skin becomes thinner and the veins under the eyes become more prominent.
* Fatigue / Lack of Sleep
* Stress or depression
* Nutrient deficiency – lack of balanced diet can cause various deficiencies in the body and ultimately the under eye circles
* Hyper pigmentation
* Sun exposure
* Excess use of drugs and medicines

Home Remedies for Dark Circles

Apply a paste made from a teaspoon of tomato juice, half teaspoon lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric powder and a pinch of gramflour. Keep it for 10 minutes. This is very effective and one of the famous home remedies for dark circles under eyes

Eight hours of sleep is necessary and recommended for all.

Apply cucumber or potato juice on the eyes with cotton balls.

Apply a mixture of lemon and tomato juice on the dark circles twice a day.

Good Home Remedy for Dark Circles.

Application of used cold tea bag will soothe the eyes and cure dark circles of the eyes.

Another Good Home Remedy for Dark Circles.

Drink tomato juice with some mint leaves, lemon juice and salt.

Make a mixture of lemon juice, cucumber juice and lanolin cream, apply under the eyes and keep for 10-15 minutes. This remedy is very simple and good home remedy for dark circles under eyes

Use sunglasses when going out in sun to protect the eyes from the harmful rays.

Drinking good amount of water also helps in lightening the dark circles under the eyes.

Apply a paste of turmeric powder with pineapple juice for treatment of dark circles under the eyes. This is very effective home remedy for dark circles under eyes.

To reduce the puffiness and dark circles of the eyes apply freezed cucumber juice. Good Home Remedy for Dark Circles.

Almond oil is considered best in removing the dark circles. Massage the area with the oil at night before going to bed.

Application of cream with vitamin E and C also helps in reducing the dark circles.

Apply crushed mint leaves under the eyes for 20 minutes.

Sarvangasana is the best yoga posture to reduce puffiness and dark circles of the eyes and it should be performed daily. Among yogic kriyas Jal Neti is the most beneficial and should be done 5 times a week.

Massage with almond oil under and around eyes at bed time daily for 3 weeks. This is effective in reducing dark circles around eyes and is also one of the good home remedies for dark circles under eyes.

Keep cotton balls dipped in rose water under the eyes for 10 minutes daily.

Eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamin E for healthy eyes.

The cream applied under the eyes should not be left for longer time.

Everyone needs a different amount of time for sleep, there are average times for men women and children, however you will need to gage your own time. Once you have When you sleep this amount of time you won' have dark circles.


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