- OM SHIVAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Auspicious One
- OM MAHESHVARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Great God Shiva
- OM SHAMBHAVE NAMAHA Salutations to the God who exists for our happiness alone
- OM PINAKINE NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva, who guards the path of dharma
- OM SHASHISHEKHARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God who wears the crescent moon in his hair
- OM VAMADEVAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God who is pleasing and auspicious in every way
- OM VIRUPAKSHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God of spotless form
- OM KAPARDINE NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord with thickly matted hair
- OM NILALOHITAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God splendid as the red sun at daybreak
- OM SHANKARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the source of all prosperity
- OM SHULAPANAYE NAMAHA Salutations to the God who carries a spear
- OM KHATVANGINE NAMAHA Salutations to the God who carries a knurled club
- OM VISHNUVALLABHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva, who is dear to Lord Vishnu
- OM SHIPIVISHTAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord whose form emits great rays of light
- OM AMBIKANATHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Ambika's Lord
- OM SHRIKANTAYA NAMAHA Salutations to he whose throat is shining blue
- OM BHAKTAVATSALAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who loves His devotees like new born calves
- OM BHAVAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God who is existence itself
- OM SARVAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva who is all
- OM TRILOKESHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva who is the Lord of all the three worlds
- OM SHITAKANTHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the primal soul whose throat is deep blue
- OM SHIVAPRIYAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the god who is dear to Shakti
- OM UGRAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva whose presence is awesome and overwhelming
- OM KAPALINE NAMAHA Salutations to the God whose begging bowl is a human skull
- OM KAMARAYE NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva who conquers all passions
- OM ANDHAKASURA SUDANAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who killed the asura Andhaka
- OM GANGADHARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God who holds the Ganges River in his hair
- OM LALATAKSHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord whose sport is creation
- OM KALAKALAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva who is the death of death
- OM KRIPANIDHAYE NAMAHA Salutations to the God who is the treasure of compassion
- OM BHIMAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva whose strength is awesome
- OM PARASHU HASTAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God who wields an axe in his hands
- OM MRIGAPANAYAE NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who looks after the soul in the wilderness
- OM JATADHARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva who bears a mass of matted hair
- OM KAILASAVASINE NAMAHA Salutations to the God who abides on Mount Kailas
- OM KAVACHINE NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who is wrapped in armor
- OM KATHORAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva who causes all growth
- OM TRIPURANTAKAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who destroyed the three demonic cities
- OM VRISHANKAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God whose emblem is a bull (Nandi)
- OM VRISHABHARUDHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva who rides a bull
- OM BHASMODDHULITA VIGRAHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord covered with holy ash
- OM SAMAPRIYAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God exceedingly fond of hymns from the Sama Veda
- OM SVARAMAYAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva who creates through sound
- OM TRAYIMURTAYE NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who is worshiped in three forms
- OM ANISHVARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the undisputed Lord
- OM SARVAGYAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God who knows all things
- OM PARAMATMANE NAMAHA Salutations to the Supreme Self
- OM SOMASURAGNI LOCHANAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the light of the eyes of Soma, Surya and Agni
- OM HAVISHE NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva who receives oblations of ghee
- OM YAGYAMAYAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the architect of all sacrificial rites
- OM SOMAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Moon-glow of the mystic's vision
- OM PANCHAVAKTRAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God of the five activities
- OM SADASHIVAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the eternally auspicious benevolent Shiva
- OM VISHVESHVARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the all-pervading ruler of the cosmos
- OM VIRABHADRAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva the foremost of heroes
- OM GANANATHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God of the Ganas
- OM PRAJAPATAYE NAMAHA Salutations to the Creator
- OM HIRANYARETASE NAMAHA Salutations to the God who emanates golden souls
- OM DURDHARSHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the unconquerable being
- OM GIRISHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the monarch of the holy mountain Kailas
- OM GIRISHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord of the Himalayas
- OM ANAGHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva who can inspire no fear
- OM BUJANGABHUSHANAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord adorned with golden snakes
- OM BHARGAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the foremost of rishis
- OM GIRIDHANVANE NAMAHA Salutations to the God whose weapon is a mountain
- OM GIRIPRIYAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who is fond of mountains
- OM KRITTIVASASE NAMAHA Salutations to the God who wears clothes of hide
- OM PURARATAYE NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who is thoroughly at home in the wilderness
- OM BHAGAVATE NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord of prosperity
- OM PRAMATHADHIPAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God who is served by goblins
- OM MRITUNJAYAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the conqueror of death
- OM SUKSHMATANAVE NAMAHA Salutations to the subtlest of the subtle
- OM JAGADVYAPINE NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva who fills the whole world
- OM JAGADGURAVE NAMAHA Salutations to the guru of all the worlds
- OM VYOMAKESHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God whose hair is the spreading sky above
- OM MAHASENAJANAKAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the origin of Mahasena
- OM CHARUVIKRAMAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva, the guardian of wandering pilgrims
- OM RUDRAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who is fit to be praised
- OM BHUTAPATAYE NAMAHA Salutations to the source of living creatures, including the Bhutas, or ghostly creatures
- OM STHANAVE NAMAHA Salutations to the firm and immovable deity
- OM AHIRBUDHNYAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who waits for the sleeping kundalini
- OM DIGAMBARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva whose robes is the cosmos
- OM ASHTAMURTAYE NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who has eight forms
- OM ANEKATMANE NAMAHA Salutations to the God who is the one soul
- OM SATVIKAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord of boundless energy
- OM SHUDDHA VIGRAHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to him who is free of all doubt and dissension
- OM SHASHVATAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva, endless and eternal
- OM KHANDAPARASHAVE NAMAHA Salutations to the God who cuts through the mind's despair
- OM AJAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the instigator of all that occurs
- OM PAPAVIMOCHAKAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who releases all fetters
- OM MRIDAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who shows only mercy
- OM PASHUPATAYE NAMAHA Salutations to the ruler of all evolving souls, the animals
- OM DEVAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the foremost of devas, demigods
- OM MAHADEVAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the greatest of the gods
- OM AVYAYAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the one never subject to change
- OM HARAYE NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva who dissolves all bondage
- OM PASHUDANTABHIDE NAMAHA Salutations to the one who punished Pushan
- OM AVYAGRAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who is steady and unwavering
- OM DAKSHADHVARAHARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the destroyer of Daksha's conceited sacrifice
- OM HARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who withdraws the cosmos
- OM BHAGANETRABHIDE NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva who taught Bhaga to see more clearly
- OM AVYAKTAYA NAMAHA Salutations to Shiva who is subtle and unseen
- OM SAHASRAKSHAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord of limitless forms
- OM SAHASRAPADE NAMAHA Salutations to the God who is standing and walking everywhere
- OM APAVARGAPRADAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the Lord who gives and takes all things
- OM ANANTAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the God who is unending
- OM TARAKAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the great liberator of mankind
- OM PARAMESHVARAYA NAMAHA Salutations to the great God
Samsung Galaxy s9 plus Wallpaper
5 years ago
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