Eyes have been described as being windows of the soul. However, most of us barely realize the role our eyes play in our world unless we find ourselves jarringly made aware of this sense by being brought into contact with someone who has an infirmity or loss of vision or when our vision seems to be failing.
At such times, we may find ourselves shuddering at the thought of a world without light, color, shape and beauty. An awareness of our vision, the problems that could affect our eyes, and some measures that can be applied to avoid these problems can help with caring adequately for our eyes.
- Vision is an essential sense. Our life would be incomplete if we were deprived of vision even in one eye.
- Drinking secretly or alone.
- Our eyes are essential to help with the performance of our daily activities so that we are able to fit in with our world and as not be a dependent burden on those close to us.
- Eyes are essential to the full enjoyment of our life. Imagine the loss of a mother who cannot see her child’s smile, but must only receive it by touch, thereby losing out on part of the beauty of this simple emotion!
- The cost of corrective treatment for eyes that have not been well cared for is much more than what would have been expended on preventive measures in the form of eye care.
- Social activities would be constrained in an individual with impaired or lack of vision, though current advances in science have been fighting this effect with significant success in several areas.
- myopia (near-sightedness) ,
- hypermetropia (far-sightedness) ,
- astigmatism,
- glaucoma,
- cataract,
- diabetic and hypertensive retinopathies.
- Annual eye check ups. These will have a professional evaluate your eyes and will ensure that any problems that are in the incipient stage are identified and arrested with appropriate treatment.
- Avoid rubbing or meddling with the eyes and eyelashes. If there is a problem, such as itching or redness, consult a doctor instead of resorting to self-treatment.
- Avoid looking directly at bright, intense sources of light.
- Television watching should be indulged in only from a distance of 6 feet and should be restricted to 2–3 h at a stretch.
- Avoid use of chemical substances in and around the eye. Eyeliners, eye shadows, etc., should be used minimally and with caution so as to avoid contact to the inside of the eye or the cornea.
- Seek medical attention if you suspect your vision is diminishing. Some symptoms of problems with vision include:
- Diminishing vision.
Redness or irritation in the eye.
- Pain within the eyes or persistent or severe headaches.
- Double vision.
- Watering or discharge from the eyes.
- Intermittent flashes of light or sparks in vision.
- Protrusion of the eyes occurring suddenly.
- Spots or defects in the visual field.
- Treat infections of surrounding areas with timely and effective antibiotics. For example, infections of the sinuses can also cause inflammatory reactions to occur around the eye and can contribute to pressure that can alter vision in cases with chronic sinusitis.
- Follow the prescription for glasses provided after vision testing. If self-conscious about wearing glasses, ensure that you try out contact lenses or explore options of Lasik or ophthalmic surgery.
- Workplace eyestrain is an increasing component of occupational disorders. Some measures to reduce eyestrain at the workplace includes keeping the computer at an appropriate distance and height, looking away from the screen often enough to provide relaxation of the eye muscles, wearing appropriate prescription glasses or lenses, avoiding exposure to bright intense light or ultraviolet light.
- Relaxation techniques. Remember that your eyes need relaxation and care if they are to last for all your life. Apply cool compresses over your eyes if they feel strained or worn out.